Wednesday, March 14, 2012

white house correspondent

i have often worried that my achievement peak came my senior year of high school when i came home from the end-of-year recognition ceremony with a bunch of awards.

it was a great moment in my over-achieving, slightly nerdy life, and it is a moment that has not been repeated.

but, my bell curve got a little bump last week when a blog post i wrote for work was reprinted by none other than the white house blog!

since these things don't happen to me much anymore, allow me to repeat.

i was on the WHITE HOUSE BLOG!

that felt good.

you can see the story here, though don't feel obligated to read the whole thing unless you are a) mesmerized by my professional prose and can't help yourself or b) are really interested in employment discrimination law.

either way, the thing to remember is this: I WAS ON THE WHITE HOUSE BLOG!

thanks, obama!

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