Wednesday, July 2, 2008


has anyone seen that episode of "friends" where someone steals monica's identity and when she figures out who the person is and goes to confront her, the fraudulent monica is so cool and fun and zany that the real monica decides to be friends with her instead of turn her in?

well, that is not the reaction i had when i got a little phone call from the wells fargo fraud prevention department last night. for starters, i am not interested in being chummy with anyone who would use my card to order things online from nutriscience, trimday and colon cleanse. yep, you read that right. colon cleanse. awesome.

the good news is, the wells fargo fraud prevention department is on the ball. none of the charges went through, my card was quickly deactivated and a new one is in the mail. to operator mark, code ZN, wherever you are, i would kiss you if i could.


Marcelina Moreno said...

I love that episode! Sorry to hear about your experience. My sister once had an investigator from her mission do something similar, it was pretty messed up. glad you have wells fargo on your side!

madelyn said...

Good thing Wells Fargo Caught it in time. My checkbook got stolen once and it was a HUGE pain. I had to sign an affidavit for each fraudulent purchase and it was just a nightmare. Hopefully this thief has been foiled!

Amanda said...

Eek! You're lucky your CC company is that good. We had someone get a hold of our credit card number to subscribe to an online porn site. It took months to straighten everything out. Hope that's the last trouble you have!

Anonymous said...

hey- that same thing basically happened to me too. US bank caught someone trying to use my card number to buy groceries in cali while i live in chicago. i wasn't too happy though with my card being deactivated as it happened to me at christmas (where 5-7 business days was quite a bit longer with all the holidays) and i spent all christmas shopping with cash like i was in high school again!