Tuesday, March 4, 2008

the case of the spontaneously reproducing baked goods

i went into the break room yesterday morning to get a drink of water, and there was an apple pie sitting on top of the water cooler. a little while later, when i went to get something from the printer, the apple pie had been joined by a peach pie, same size with the equivalent of two slices missing. not too long after that, the pies were joined by a box of cupcakes. no explanation was forthcoming and there was no evident source. it was as if baked goods were spontaneously reproducing on their own. it creeped me out a little, but i can never walk away from a cupcake, especially one with a lot of frosting.

towards the end of the day, my publisher came to my desk, peach pie in his hands and quizzical look on his face.

him: do you know anything about this?
me: no.
him: are you going to eat any of it?
me: no.
him: i think i'm going to take it home.

and off he went, pie in hands.

this morning there was only one piece of apple pie left. all traces of the cupcakes, including the large box in which they came, have vanished. the investigation is still open.


Anonymous said...

Side slitting laughter!

Kate said...

Okay, I definitely want to work in this office.

Marie said...

Silly Frances. Everyone knows pies don't give birth to cupcakes -- it clearly defies the laws of pie genetics. You must have flunked Pieology 101.