Monday, May 16, 2011

bookend weekend(s)

AWD and i spent last weekend in salt lake. it was marvelous and i did not take a single picture.

i did eat breakfast at the blue plate diner and lunch at the beehive tearoom and dinner at the market street grill (but not all on the same day). and i did spend lots and lots of time with lots and lots of relatives and AWD did live through the whole thing and even said he liked it. and i did cuddle babies (and stayed a safe distance away from other babies who had the flu) and i did celebrate mother's day with my own beloved mom and i did love every minute of the whole thing.

oh, and AWD did propose (again!), this time with my real ring (hurrah!) and i did say yes (again!) and now i can't stop staring at my ring finger all day long. thanks to the stealth photography skills of AWD's sister, we do have a few shots of that thing going down.

then it was a week of catching up and being sick for both of us (i lost my voice. awesome), which was not nearly as fun as basically any alternative, but it was back to party time this weekend.

well, actually, first there was a lot of sleeping. also i finally unpacked my suitcase from last weekend's trip (i'm speedy like that). and then it was party time.

because, you see, robert graduated from his masters' program at GW this weekend. this gave me an excuse to say "con-grad-ulations!" in an ironic, TV announcer voice. and if that is not a party, i am not sure what is.

it also meant that we ate celebratory burgers at ray's and then, because robert was wearing his gown (and medal!) all weekend, we all decided to wear gowns, too. we had some difficulty keeping a straight face. as you can see.

we also watched "high school musical" because it was the only remotely graduation-related movie streaming on netflix. and no, there isn't actually anything about a graduation in it.

sunday was the big ceremony on the mall. we all came prepared for the promised rain and ended up sweltering and burning in the sun instead, but we saw robert on the big screen and mayor bloomberg gave the commencement address, which was pretty cool. i always forget how short he is. also, he tells bad jokes.

and that brings us to today, the highlight of which was donald trump's announcement that he will not be running for president. so that's a load off.

and now i am ready for another weekend.


CL said...

From what I can see of the ring- it looks beautiful. Hooray for having "the" ring!

Miko said...

You are lovely!!

In random questioning... Where did you get that white kimono? I want one so bad!!

Love you!

Sunshine said...

Hilarious! I'm going to put on a gown!

Sunshine said...

I've come back for one more glimps of the "gown" photos. They are just so fun to look at! I keep wishing for captions. I would love to read some of the clever quips that caused such uproarious laughter, though I realize it may have been a "yajusthadtohavebeenthere" kind of a deal.

Jill N said...

Congrats ladyface! The ring looks beautiful--and you look so so happy.

Exactly how it should be! xo