Thursday, November 29, 2007

a blog is born

so, jerry seinfeld was on tv the other day, lamenting how cell phones have changed our lives. "when was the last time you heard the phone ring and someone shouted, 'i'll get it!'" he said. now it's all caller i.d. and blocked numbers and annoying ring tones (though i do sort of love the fact that my dad's phone plays the mexican hat dance song. it does not, sadly, actually do the mexican hat dance. maybe some day). anyway, i could not agree with jerry seinfeld more. i have been a late adopter of technology of all kinds: cell phones, ipods, tivo (still not there yet), and blogging. then one day, not too long ago, it occured to me that i derive much joy from reading other people's blogs and i was doing nothing to return the favor. i was, in other words, all take and no give out in the blogsophere, and that hardly seems fair. so, here you go! a blog for me and for you. enjoy.


BagLady said...

Yea, France. Im glad youre here. Though, my word verification for posting this comment was "tiitz". Pervy.

ekmadsen said...

Welcome to the darkside my friend....

Left-Handed said...

Yeah Frances!

SLCDave said...

For $8/yr on website like OR
you can purchase a domain name for 1 year and then redirect it to your account.

I checked for you and was taken.. but is available. was taken too... but is available!

Anonymous said...

I am slow to join the blogging world...but I am a frequent visitor. Thanks for providing me with another way to avoid doing school assignments or other tasks.